What features we offer?
Theft Detection
Shoplifting is one of the biggest losses in revenue for small businessowners Thousands of dollars are being lost unnoticed on balance sheets.
Our aim is to prevent such unwanted losses by detecting thefts in real time with the help of state-of-the-art computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms.

Store Busy Hours
Shoplifting is one of the biggest losses in revenue for small businessowners Thousands of dollars are being lost unnoticed on balance sheets.
Our aim is to prevent such unwanted losses by detecting thefts in real time with the help of state-of-the-art computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms.
Employee Efficiency Quantification
It is important for any businessowner to quantify the efficiency of their employees.
We help our clients in that process by providing key metrics on their employees, such as mobile usage during work, clock-in and clock-out times, and keeping business premises clean

Store Heatmaps
We lay out a heatmap of the store by leveraging the customers' presence on the floors with respect to time spent.
We believe this would help our clients to determine not only the most popular aisle in the store but also to use it for marketing purposes.
Safety Protocols
We also provide insights on safety protocols in the business premises by detecting face mask, social distancing, and wearing hand gloves.